yIGF 2024 Agenda

0900-0910       Introduction of yIGF
0910-0930       Opening Remarks & Introduction of IGF & APrIGF/ Synthesis Document
                       - Jennifer Chung, APrIGF Secretariat
0930-1030       IGF 2024 Youth Track
                       AI and Education: ChatGPT use in schools and AI capacity development
1030-1100        Morning Tea
1100-1120        Ice-breaking
1120-1135        Basics of Internet & Internet Governance
                       - Edmon Chung, CEO of DotAsia Organisation
1135-1235        Panel Discussion: Empowering Access: Democratizing the Internet for All
1235-1250       Introduction on youth policy statement
1250-1300       Q&A
1300-1400       Lunch break
1400-1445       Idea Wall + Preparation on youth policy statement
1445-1500       Presentation of youth statement
1500-1530       Afternoon Tea
1530-1630       APAC Youth Leaders Dialogue: Championing Youth: Rights, Safety, and Well-being
1630-1715        Meetup with Industry Experts: Securing Truth in the Age of Information Overload
1715-1730        Debriefing & Wrap-up
1730-1745        Closing Remarks
                       - Dr. Ching-Heng Ku, Director of TWNIC on behalf of APrIGF 2024
                       - Jenna Manhau Fung, Head Coordinator of Asia Pacific yIGF

0900-1800        APrIGF workshops
1800-1845         yIGF huddle: youth statement presentation (online & Room 402AB)
1800 onwards    Reception hosted by TWNIC

*Please refer to APrIGF website for most updated information about their workshops or social event.

0900-1800        APrIGF workshops
1800-1845         yIGF huddle: youth statement presentation (online & Room 402AB)
1845 onwards    Social Networking Event by LINE

*Please refer to APrIGF website for most updated information about their workshops or social event.

0900-1740     APrIGF workshops

*Please refer to APrIGF website for most updated information about their workshops or social event.

*All time is shown in Taipei Standard Time (UTC +8).

Other Important Dates

Participants who plan to obtain the yIGF e-certificate must attend a pre-event online course. Four live webinars will be held every Monday at 11:30 UTC from July 22 to August 12, 2024. Details will be shared with participants in early July via email.

An orientation webinar will be held on August 8 (14:00 UTC). Details will be confirmed with participants via email.

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