Theme & Topics

Connecting Generations: Forging a Responsible Digital Future through Collaboration and Policy Innovation

As we build upon last year's "Frontier," yIGF 2024 continues to champion a unified digital journey in an era marked by rapid technological advancements. Our unwavering commitment is to advocate for youth and child rights, democratize internet access, and ensure online safety through the effective regulation of emerging technologies.

Our discussions will leverage the perspectives of diverse generations to empower the next generation in navigating the digital landscape with responsibility. We aim to foster collaboration among stakeholders to address challenges such as enhancing digital literacy, promoting cyber hygiene, and empowering marginalized communities. In confronting issues like internet fragmentation and misinformation, we seek a balance between automation anxiety and its potential for progress, while pondering the future of work and ethical AI within multistakeholder models.

This year, we are going to cover the following topics:
- Championing Youth: Rights, Safety, and Well-being

Together, we will strive to achieve tangible outcomes that drive policy innovation and unite generations toward a responsible digital future. Join us at yIGF 2024 to contribute to these vital conversations. 

Asia Pacific Youth Leaders Dialogue – Championing Youth: Rights, Safety, and Well-being

In today's interconnected world, safeguarding the rights and protection of our youth is paramount. While a global connection hub, the internet harbors significant risks, particularly for vulnerable children. From cyberbullying to exploitation, young individuals face unprecedented digital threats. This session aims to address these challenges comprehensively. We'll explore vital subtopics, including advocating for child digital rights, empowering marginalized communities, combating CSAM and gender-based violence online, and promoting cyber hygiene for mental well-being. Join us for this session which reflects APrIGF’s overarching theme of evolving and enduring principles. Our discussion will be rooted in children’s digital rights, ensuring every child's safety and rights are protected in the digital age.

We'll also collaboratively develop a strategic youth engagement plan tailored for the Asia Pacific region. Drawing inspiration from our yIGF 3-year Blueprint, this plan will serve as a roadmap for transitioning from last year's theme of "youth at a crossroads" to defending a legacy of meaningful youth participation. By devising funding models that prioritize equitable representation, we aim to empower young voices and ensure their active involvement in shaping the digital future of our region.

- Introduction (5 mins)
- Panel discussion (30 mins)
- Q&A (10 mins)
- Open Floor (40 mins)
- Closing remarks (5 mins)

Guest Speakers:
Felicia Yunike, Southeast Asian Youth IGF
- Ihita Gangavarapu, Youth IGF India
- Wei-ting Hung, Youth leader from Taiwan

Panel Discussion – Empowering Access: Democratizing the Internet for All

The Internet has quickly moved from primarily being used for accessing information to becoming an essential element for exercising rights in a democratic society. Just like Democracy, technology is created by people, to be used by people, and to improve peoples’ lives.

It was originally envisioned as a tool to empower humanity to allow for collaboration, foster compassion & generate creativity, and has encountered numerous ongoing challenges that threaten its foundational values. These challenges manifest in various forms such as centralization of power, exploitative business models, and internet fragmentation that have led to disparities in access and connectivity among communities.

This panel discussion aims to explore these issues by focusing on the importance of embracing the multistakeholder approach in reforming the current systems to address underlying issues making it difficult to democratize the use of the Internet. Additionally, it will also explore decentralized technologies such as Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) while advocating for inclusive policies and regulations governing emerging technologies.

- Introduction (5 mins)
- Panel discussion (40 mins)
- Q&A and Roundtable discussion (10 mins)
- Closing remarks (5 mins)

Elia Kostopoulou, ISOC Youth Ambassador 2024
- Edmon Chung, CEO of DotAsia
- Joyce Chen, Senior Advisor - Strategic Engagement, APNIC

Meet up with Industry Experts – Securing Truth in the Age of Information Overload 

In the digital age, the internet serves as a vital hub for global connection. Yet, it harbors risks that may compromise its safety. The proliferation of fake news and unchecked synthetic content is a growing concern. The velocity of information spread is such that individuals can be led astray, often without their knowledge.

This session aims to delve into the widespread challenge of misinformation and disinformation within the digital realm. We will confront the challenges posed by the spread of false information and the rise of deepfakes, powered by advancements in artificial intelligence and societal repercussions, particularly how misinformation can disrupt democratic processes, especially during elections. Participants will be equipped with knowledge of the mechanisms fueling the spread of false narratives and practical skills to enhance digital literacy and critical thinking.

We will convene misinformation and media literacy experts, along with government representatives, youth organizations, policymakers, and educators. Through interactive discussions with guest speakers, participants will uncover and debate effective strategies to combat the tide of misinformation and disinformation.

- Introduction (5 mins)
- Breakout group discussion (40 mins)

Guest Speakers:
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