yIGF 2024 Agenda

0900-0910       Introduction of yIGF
0910-0930       Opening Remarks & Introduction of IGF & APrIGF/ Synthesis Document
                       - Jennifer Chung, APrIGF Secretariat
0930-1030       IGF 2024 Youth Track
                       AI and Education: ChatGPT use in schools and AI capacity development
1030-1100        Morning Tea
1100-1120        Ice-breaking
1120-1135        Basics of Internet & Internet Governance
                       - Edmon Chung, CEO of DotAsia Organisation
1135-1235        Panel Discussion: Empowering Access: Democratizing the Internet for All
1235-1250       Introduction on youth policy statement
1250-1300       Q&A
1300-1400       Lunch break
1400-1445       Idea Wall + Preparation on youth policy statement
1445-1500       Presentation of youth statement
1500-1530       Afternoon Tea
1530-1630       APAC Youth Leaders Dialogue: Championing Youth: Rights, Safety, and Well-being
1630-1715        Meetup with Industry Experts: Securing Truth in the Age of Information Overload
1715-1730        Debriefing & Wrap-up

*Time to be confirmed
- yIGF morning briefing (30 minutes) - online
- APrIGF workshops
- yIGF huddle: youth statement presentation (30 minutes) - online

*Time to be confirmed
- yIGF morning briefing (30 minutes) - online
- APrIGF workshops
- yIGF huddle: youth statement presentation (30 minutes) - online

*Time to be confirmed
- yIGF morning briefing (30 minutes) - online
- APrIGF workshops
- yIGF huddle: youth statement presentation (30 minutes) - online

*All time is shown in Taipei Standard Time (UTC +8).

Other Important Dates

Participants who plan to obtain the yIGF e-certificate must attend a pre-event online course. Four live webinars will be held every Monday at 11:30 UTC from July 22 to August 12, 2024. Details will be shared with participants in early July via email.

An orientation webinar will be held on the second week of August 2024. Details will be confirmed with participants via email.

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